GivingTuesday is November 28, 2023!

10 years of GivingTuesday! WOW! In 2013, SIFAT introduced a new opportunity for our donors to give, a “holiday” called GivingTuesday. We were excited about the concept—a global day of giving dedicated to honoring nonprofits and joining together to support them. This annual event has grown more than we could have ever imagined. You  answered our needs every year. Because of your enthusiasm and overwhelming generosity, GivingTuesday is a highlight of our year.

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GivingTuesday is Nov. 29, 2022!

Why is GivingTuesday Important?

Since 2013, SIFAT has been part of the global GivingTuesday movement, which was created to get everyone to join together to give to charities — whether that is a donation of volunteer hours, needed items or financial resources. When we unite together, we can do great things. That first year, we raised $108.080, and we were astounded. We were not sure what to expect or how to explain this new holiday idea. Our momentum has grown each year, and this one day has become an integral part of our financial stability. Last year, we were overwhelmed with the outpouring of generosity from our SIFAT family when we raised a record breaking $251,000.



Yes, we raise vital funding for SIFAT on GivingTuesday, but this day is about more than just money! Many of you share the opportunity to double your donations with your circles of influence: extended family members, Bible study groups and coworkers. By doing this, you help spread the word about SIFAT, our ministry and our current projects. People who did not know about SIFAT now do!

When you give to SIFAT, you encourage our staff and international project leaders. Knowing we have the SIFAT family cheering us on and being part of what we are doing inspires us to keep going when we face obstacles or become discouraged. Your prayers and contributions give life to our programs and projects. Without your support, SIFAT would not be successful.

Finally, when you participate in GivingTuesday, you become part of something bigger than yourself. Our SIFAT family stretches throughout the United States and around the world. We come from different denominations, socioeconomic backgrounds and cultures. But when we come together on Nov. 29, your small part becomes something great!

Please make plans now on how you will be part of GivingTuesday 2022! A group of generous donors has created a $65,000 matching fund that will double donations designated GivingTuesday. You can donate online or by mailing a check to SIFAT. Check out all the ways you can give below.

Thank you for supporting SIFAT! Together, we can continue Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways.


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Uganda: Agape Needs Our Help!

Agape Total Childcare Center, the orphanage and school SIFAT mission teams built in Uganda, has been hit hard in recent weeks by COVID-19. Although Uganda had been spared during much of last year, it has now been declared a Level 4 country by the U.S. State Department and CDC because the disease is spreading rapidly. The Ugandan government has declared a lockdown, and most students in boarding schools have been unable to return home to their families. At Agape, three of our original children (now young adults) are currently in the hospital, and several more have tested positive with COVID. In the close dormitory conditions in which they live, it is very hard to isolate and quarantine those with symptoms. Although WHO safety protocol is being adhered to as much as possible, the virus continues to spread. Funds are desperately needed for food, medicines, hospital care and to replenish sanitizers and masks.

Prior to this outbreak, Agape implemented COVID-19 protocols to keep everyone healthy. Here early in the pandemic, the students in the secondary school have the temperature taken by the school nurse (an Agape graduate) before entering the classrooms.

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Looking Back at 2020: A Year in Review

Each January, we mail contribution statements to all of our donors from the previous year. With this statement, we include a page of highlights from the year – successes that could not have happened without the support from churches and individuals that choose to partner with SIFAT in ministry. If you would like to download a copy to share with others, click here. Thank you for being part of  SIFAT in 2020 through your prayers and financial support!



What a year! We began 2020 excited and full of hope about the coming opportunities to keep Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways. We never could have imagined how quickly our world would change or how the uncertainty and challenges could end up being positive for SIFAT. When we asked for prayers, help with new projects and continued financial support, you answered our pleas! Although 2020 was difficult and required constant adaptations, SIFAT persevered and succeeded, while other nonprofits and businesses struggled or were forced to close. Thank you for being part of our SIFAT family and getting us through one of the toughest years in our history. As we look forward to 2021, we are again full of hope. Although we may be doing things differently, we are still meeting basic human needs and shining the light of Jesus’ message of love into some of the hardest places in our world. 

Although our trainings were canceled, we were able to distribute seedlings to neighbors and friends who are now harvesting their own produce to feed their families.

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#GivingTuesday2020 is Dec. 1!

#GivingTuesday is Dec. 1! Make plans now to participate in this global holiday that embraces generosity and kindness. #GivingTuesday starts the giving season, reminding us what this time of year is truly meant to celebrate! While we are experiencing the effects of a worldwide pandemic, generosity can bring everyone together. In this time of uncertainty, there’s a fundamental truth that gives us hope — that together we can do extraordinary things. #GivingTuesday emphasizes opportunities to give back to communities and charities in safe ways that allow for social connection, while practicing physical distancing. We all have gifts to give, and we hope you choose to help our ministry at SIFAT. Together, we can unite as one, so SIFAT will continue Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways in 2021 and beyond.

#GivingTuesday is a wonderful time to embrace the spirit of giving! This year, our matching fund is $60,000 – double your donation! When you make a donation at any time on December 1, your contribution will double because of the matching fund set up by a generous group of SIFAT donors—up to the first $60,000 that we raise!

Last year, SIFAT supporters raised a record-breaking $186,200 on #GivingTuesday. Earlier this year, our donors raised $90,670 for #GivingTuesdayNow, an immediate response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Help us reach our goal of $125,000 for #GivingTuesday 2020!

Questions? If you have questions about #GivingTuesday or would like a reminder sent to you, please contact Marie Lanier,

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