Benjo is founder of CENATEC, SIFAT’s sister organization in Bolivia. This sign at the poultry farm shows government certification indicating that this poultry farm being partially funded by this project meets all government requirements for safely raising edible chickens for sale.

Fully Funded!

Project: To raise chickens for sale in the local market of Sapecho, Alto Beni region of Bolivia.


This project provides funds to purchase baby chicks and feed for them, so they can be matured and sold in the local market as a source of protein for people in this poor, rural, jungle area of Bolivia. All of the chicken houses and government approvals were obtained by the community before requesting these funds from SIFAT.

The goals of this project:

  1. To enable a nonprofit agency, CENATEC, to continue to work in Christian community development in very poor Communities in rural areas in Bolivia.
  2. To improve the quality of nutrition for members of the community of Sapecho and its surrounding areas with affordable protein.
  3. To generate a source of work and income for families involved in investing and working in this poultry farm.

Project 21-04: Poultry Farm Project

Project Goal:




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