John Brown, a SIFAT graduate in Nigeria, previously led project 24-02 and has been a leader in SIFAT’s training across Africa.

Project Funded!


To provide custom improved wheel chairs to Physically Challenged Poor People in Nigeria


Physically challenged men and women in Nigeria use crudely constructed, low profile, mobile units made of wooden seats and local wheels that are very close to the ground. They push themselves along with their hands in the dirt, which causes hand infections. These poor methods of getting around often result in motor vehicles not seeing these people and running over them. John Brown is building more conventional wheelchairs that allow a person to move the chair forward by pushing on wheels equipped like a normal wheelchair, but customized in size and shape to meet the needs of disabled individuals. He intends to demonstrate these improved wheelchairs to government officials to encourage government funding for hundreds of handicapped people currently using unsafe, homemade mobile units.   

Project 24-07: Wheelchairs for Physically Challenged Poor People in Nigeria

Project Goal: $6,641

Fully Funded!

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