About Us
SIFAT (Servants in Faith and Technology), a nonprofit Christian organization, provides training in community development in hard places in our world. Christian leaders learn self-help skills for basic human needs including physical and spiritual needs, social and economic.
SIFAT raises awareness of needs and global issues, providing opportunities for people to get involved personally, both to learn from and to serve alongside those with scarce resources. Since its founding in 1979, SIFAT has trained church and community leaders from more than 80 countries. We have helped thousands of North Americans leave their comfort zone, cross into other cultures and social strata and become one in Christ.
The way we work
As a Christian nonprofit organization providing training in self-help programs for a needy world, we base our work on the following:
- It is easier for people and communities to develop when they know and follow the teachings of Jesus. This makes love, justice and concern for everyone a priority and projects flow among those who follow Christ. However, SIFAT works with all people who are working for the same goals, not just those who hold the same beliefs. This does not negate, but rather emphasizes the Spirit of Christ.
- God is the creator of all things. All things are integrated. If a new technology is accepted into a village, it will change that village socially, physically, economically, and spiritually. The Gospel of Jesus includes integrated development and affects the physical, spiritual, mental, social, economic, political and all other aspects of life.
- SIFAT encourages long-term development, instead of short-term relief.
- SIFAT strives for our every word and deed to build other’s self-esteem, to affirm their potential and to help them become more in themselves rather than just have more for the moment. Those things that create dependency are rejected in favor of those that develop self-sufficiency. A brother/sister relationship is cultivated, rather than a paternalistic/ maternalistic one. SIFAT does not do things for people, but with people.
- SIFAT welcomes others to join us in the exciting journey of allowing the Spirit of God to change our perception and alleviate some of the alienation and lostness in our world today.
What we believe
SIFAT is an ecumenical organization. We believe in churches and believers joining together to share God’s love in practical ways. Years ago, our board of directors adopted using the Apostles’ Creed.
While we do not have an official Statement of Faith, SIFAT was built on six values on which we still base our ministry. GATES of SIFAT is a published booklet, written by SIFAT co-founder Ken Corson, that goes into detail about each value.
These values are:
(G) God of All Cultures – Diversity,
(A) Aggressive Love – The Royal Law (James 2:8),
(T) Technology for Basic Human Need,
(E) Recognizing when Enough is Enough,
(S) Servanthood (Matt. 20:28) and Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways.
To learn more about each value, you can purchase a copy of GATES of SIFAT from The Village Store at SIFAT.