Ecuador: Mission Team Members Needed!We need you to join with us this year to serve the people of Ecuador! Several of our 2018 teams need extra members now to complete their teams. In February, SIFAT broke ground on a new construction project in Aida Leon in the southern part of Quito. Teams will be working with SIFAT graduate Pastor Wilson and his church for the next three years on a project called Gotitas de Esperanza, Teardrops of Hope. When completed, this building will allow for care of an additional 200 children who might otherwise be on the streets when not in school. We need construction and VBS workers on each team. Please consider joining one of the teams listed below today while airline tickets are still available.
Construction has begun on the Aida Leon project in Ecuador! Team members are needed to fill spaces on several teams this year! Available DatesThe following teams have openings and are asking for people to join their teams: 5/12 – 5/20 Clear Lake UMC, Clear Lake, Texas (all ages welcome) 6/2 – 6/9 St. Luke’s UMC, Tupelo, Miss. (youth team; great for youth, college students & young adults) 6/9 – 6/16 Faith UMC, Pinson, Ala. (all ages welcome) 6/30 – 7/7 Eufaula FUMC (youth team; great for youth, college students & young adults) 10/13 – 10/20 Bonifay FUMC, Bonifay, Fla. – medical team (doctors and nurse practitioners needed; may be serving a different SIFAT Ecuador project site) |