All is quiet at the Internado. I took Rachel to the bus place this morning. I would say station but its more where they just park the bus. She is going back to La Paz in an attempt to resolve some residency issues. That makes me the only Greengo at the Internado. I think it will be good for me. It will force me to use Spanish and not rely on Rachel the Translator. All but a few of the students have gone home for Holy Week and it is frightenly quiet around the home. I think Mateo and I will begin building the stove either this afternoon or in the morning sometime. I have to admit the readings on it are a little intimidating, especially all the calculations. I wish history was somehow involved and not math. I guess that would be a weird stove though. Anyway, I ask that you pray for the project and we receive understanding so that the internado can have a new, hopefully more efficient Winiarski Pot Slip stove, 2008 edition. – Jarred