Worship on the Water 2014

It’s almost time for Worship on the Water (WOW) 2014! Sponsored by SIFAT, WOW is a casual, nondenominational worship service held at Lakeside Marina in Wedowee, Ala., Sundays at 9 a.m. from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend. Each week features a different speaker and musician. Whether you are a local resident or a weekend visitor, we hope to see you at WOW this summer!

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35th Anniversary Commemorative Brick Fund Raiser

Since 1979, SIFAT has shared God’s love in practical ways with the poor in our world. Without our donors and supporters, this could not have been possible! To celebrate these 35 years, we are building a commemorative patio and fire pit alongside the beautiful Mad Indian Creek on our international campus in Lineville, Ala.

Purchase a commemorative brick as part of SIFAT’s 35th Anniversary. Celebrate a special event in someone’s life, honor a friend or family member or memorialize someone special!

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International Mission Teams: 2014 Team Members Needed in Ecuador!

Please join us in helping the children of Ecuador. SIFAT offers you that opportunity now! We need team members on several of our scheduled teams to Ecuador this year. Below, you will find dates for teams that need additional members and a summary of the project. We also have weeks available if you are interested in leading a new team from your church, school or community. Please contact Peggy Walker, SIFAT team coordinator, at walkerp@sifat.org or 256.396.2015 if you are interested in joining or leading a team in 2014.

This year, SIFAT teams will return to Villa Flora to begin work on the third floor of Pastor Rafael and Anita’s church. Teams built the first two floors in 2009 and 2010.

Current 2014 teams needing members:

  • 5/10 – 5/17 – University of Southern Mississippi Wesley Foundation – 4 spots for college students
  • 6/28 – 7/6 – Multi-church team led by Bill Etheridge, Aldersgate UMC, Huntsville – 6-7 spots for any age
  • 7/26-8/2 – Calera UMC, Calera, Ala.- 8-9 spots for any age
  • Doctors and nurse practitioners are also needed on several medical teams this year.

More 2014 teams still needed:

We still need an additional five (5) construction/VBS teams or medical teams between August and November of this year.

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Learn & Serve: 48 A Slum Experience 2014 Retreat

Abuja, the gleaming capitol of Nigeria, is filled with neatly landscaped roads and extravagant buildings.  It’s wealth, however, is matched by its poverty.  The creation of the capitol city of Abuja in the 1980’s displaced many people from the area as well as created an attraction for newcomers.  The majority of the new citizens cannot afford the expensive housing in the city, and urban slums have sprung up to house these families.

It is into this environment that participants stepped during Learn & Serve’s fifth-annual “48: A Slum Experience.”  Seventy-five youth and adult leaders participated in the event, which was hosted on SIFAT’s campus January 18-20, 2014.  During the event, youth and leaders were invited to live as the citizens of urban slums of Abuja to experience the material poverty of these communities first-hand.  Participants lived in Learn & Serve’s simulated urban slum for approximately 48 hours while working to provide food, water, and shelter for themselves and their family groups.

75 participants and 30 staff and volunteers participated in this year’s 48: A Slum Experience Retreat!

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Learn & Serve: Fall 2013 Retreats Wrap-Up!

It’s been a busy fall for Learn & Serve at SIFAT!  We have had so many wonderful groups from across the southeast come to our campus in Lineville, AL for L&S programming.  As we slow down for the winter season, we wanted to share a glimpse of this past season with you!

During Fall 2013, we had 1,903 participants experience a variety of Learn & Serve retreat programs.  This is a 37% increase from participation in Fall 2012 Retreats!  Here are a couple of highlights from our fall retreat groups:

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