Once again, I apologize for my poor writing from last time. Im sorry for grammatical and typo error. I meant to say last time, “Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break”.

(Please excuse my writing as English is not my first language.And I am still struggling to learn my fourth language-Spanish)

Just a quick update. Our kids continue to have the mini-olympics with the colegio (middle and high school). Our girls fotsal team won because the other team did not show up.

It was a bit challenging witht the girls basketball team, as last week, Rachel was in La Paz. The girls did not had a coach for practice and the game. Ruth the dorm mother, usually come to the game. But during the game she had to go somewhere. I was left with the team who had to play against the team from the senior year (whose players were much bigger and taller). They just swept our girls (like cats against small ants). With my little knowledge of playing basketball, I wanted to do some encouragement and coaching with our girls, however, I did not have words to use for playing  basketball in Spanish. I tried to tell our girls what  might help, but they just looked at me as if saying “what do you know about basketball?”, or ” what are you trying to say?”

Anyway, it was still fun afterall, though the Internado girls scored half of the other team´s score.

We were also blessed last week with the visit of Tom Corson , SIFAT´s Director in Alabama.It was short but good. I continue to have computer and English classes everyday with the kids. Its fun also to as the kids learn more stuff in the computer.

Blessings to yall,




” Blessed are the flexible, but they shall not break”. I think the last time I heard this word was from Nate Paulk (SIFAT). However, prior to  coming to SIFAT and relearning this principle, I had learned to live with this early on my in the missionfield. It is actually the grace of God that helped me learn and live with this.

The other Sunday while waiting for my flight from LaPaz to Rurre to go back to Ixiamas, this word was reminded to me.

After 3 hours of waiting for my flight, the TAM airline people announced that the flight was cancelled for the following day. I ended spending the night with a friend near the airport, and flew the following day, after a weird and strange ordeal with the airline crew. Besides that the cause delay to the passengers, I still have to pay them extra money just for them to let me fly after a day delay. Anyway, I got back to Ixiamas last Monday afternoon,  Thank God ! The kids were all happy to see me again.

Im back to my classes everyday. Then Saturday, August 30th, Rachel celebrated her birthday with us. We had a good supper that day, and had a good program afterwards. (Brian, your three little pigs story, is now only two little pigs, and they have grown now).

With the game series, thank God the boys won in the soccer game.Hoorrayy!!! And the girls won also on the footsal. The basketball team still needs to practice more.   

Til next then.Hasta luego ! Vicky

PS I apologize for my grammar and spelling error with my past writings.


Still in La Paz. I thank God for the opportunity to visit more La Paz while sorting out my visa issue. Yesterday I had to make an appeal  with the Migracion office to get the 59 day-visa intended for Filipinos, as the border gave me only 30 days,,,After prayer and asking for favor, the same guy helped me sorted it out..

It is interesting also this week as I meet different people in my trips (from Ixiamas to Lapaz, to Peru and back). Its amazing to be wiith different travellers and backpackers from all over the world. I  met some  guys from France, a Muslim lady from Morroco, a Kiwi guy (New Zealand) who lives in UK, a lady from Japan who also speaks Spanish. And today I am talking with a Jewish guy from UK…I wish I have more opportunity to share with them about God. Though I usually tell them I am Christian working with  a Christian org helping out some kids.

Tomorrow I m heading out to Rurre and Ixiamas.Im glad to see more LaPaz. This is my 2nd time to be here since I got here. Bully and his family is hosting me. As I go around La Paz I see more  the huge difference of it with the jungles of Ixiamas.,,,I saw the elite, the middle class and the majority of working class people. Im sorry I hate to segregate people by class, I just meant to describe the economic differences of the people. I realized how underprivilege the people in Beni (where Ixiamas is).However, life in the jungle is still good. People have more access to the blessing of nature. Coming here, I think I got the word “poor” redefined.  In the midst of nothingness and seemingly poverty around Ixiamas and the lowlands of Beni, I still see that God is just and fair. It is hard to explain but I know God still bless the so called poor people in different ways.

Just a quick update with the  Internado, just last week before I left, the kids had a mini olympics game with the colegio. The boys and girls have teams for basketball and football, and footsal..it is suppose to be a series of games till Sept. On the first game last week, our kids did not do well, as they didnt get much time to prepare. And some of the boys were sick. Hopefully they get to prepare and practice more.

We also started the Bible Study groups two Sundays ago. We appreciate you praying for us.

Con amor,


I got back !I made it back, thank God !!Though I was only out for a day from Bolivia, I m so glad I was able to get back with no hassle.. I had to go to Peru yesterday to get a new visa. However before leaving the country I went thru some ordeal with visa issues. First in Rurre, the last time I had my visa there I was told I could only return after a month or I could extend but pay a lot..So, I came here to La Paz  Tuesday after a long 24 hr bus ride thru the “most dangerous road”. I got to the Immigration and the guy told me I only allowed 3 months in a year her  for my visa. Which means I could only come back next year… But  then, an angel like appeared a lady with a US passport she told me something i could do. I have to make the story short, when I asked for an appeal, a guy in the immigration came out who speak great English. We had some chit chat, then he told me, its okay you could leave the country and come back in few days, with no problem.. I was happy to hear that, at the same time bewildered with the inconsistency in the rules and the policy.

I got my ticket then for Peru which was  a day journey thru the mountain roads. I dont know anything and anybody in Peru except for a Travel Guide Book and a piece of paper from the travel agent for a hotel to stay.

Before leaving Ixiamas last Monday morning I was a bit nervous to travel for one I have to do the 24 hour ride thru the death road, then travel to Peru. Its threading an unknown place, without knowing anyone nor any connection. I just went yesterday with the faith and prayer that the Lord will allow me to come back with no problem.

Anyway, the trip turnout to be a great blessing. As the bus drove northwest thru the rugged and dry hills and mountains, the scenery and landscaped reminded me a lot of Tibet.   Familiarity gave me some comfort. And as the elevation went higher the air got thinner as we reached 3800 meters around Lake Titicaca. Oops,,, i remembered the coffee that morning did not help with the altitude. Lake Titicaca is a huge lake and gorgeous with crystal clear blue water. It extends to the Peru side. It again reminded me of the highest salt water lake in Tibet called Namco. Both lake are in seated in plateau surrounded by hills and mountains. I was praising God for the beauty of His creation.

when I got to Peru side, after 10 hours travelling, a strange guy came to me and asked if I went to do an island trip. Since I didnt know, I tried all excuses to refuse. But it seems to be a good offer. I paid a little amount for a 2 hour tour to an isalnd in the middle of the Lake Titicaca. I was nervous and praying when I went with the guy. I thought I was stupid to go with a stranger   . I prayed and trusted God for protection.   When we got to the boat there was a tour group and the trip turned to be a real blessing. It became the highlight of my trip.

Its one of the most exciting and great trip-tour I had done I guess. A community of indigenours people called Aymaran made an island from roots and grass with no land nor soil in the middle of the Lake. They have live there for 600 years.  A lot are poor. They live thru fishing and selling crafts to the foreigners. I was nervous walking at first, as I thought the grass will sink, the houses were made of grass and plants from the lake. They have their own school (elementary only), a small hospital, and a church. It was so cool.

I know this is very long now. I wish to write more.I will try to post some of my unposted writings or blog in the next days.

I thank God for those who prayed for me. Ms.Becky pls shoot me an email. I lost your email add.

Dios te bendiga,


We ended our time in Bolivia by being the proud participants in Ixiamas`parade in honor of Bolivian independence day…Being the only gringos, we definitely stood out, but had a blast just the same. 

 Spirits were high as we prepared for two parades in less than 24 hours.  Tuesday night, the kids marched with their classes and carried homemade torches in the shape of stars, moons and houses.  Our resident artist, Miguel Nacho, made a huge helicopter torch…the star of the parade.  Wednesday morning we got up bright and early and headed to the parade (wearing our new SIFAT Bolvia T-shirts).  We marched and marched and marched and marched and marched.  It was a tiring but fun morning. 

After the march we headed back to the internado for a fun day of playing and saying goodbye`s.  Because school was canceled for wednesday Katie and I were able to spend the whole afternoon enjoying the kids.  Some of the girls prepared a huge feast in honor of the day.  We had fried pork, Bolivian potato salad, rice, and chocolate cake.  It was quite a feast.  The fun ended when we had to say goodbye.  It is sad to leave new friends, but I am incredibly thankful for my new brothers and sisters in Bolivia.  All of our lives are richer because of it. 

A cancelled flight, and several delays later we made it to LaPaz to be greeted by Bully and Angel.  They got us safely to our hotel and we set out exploring.  We were able to enjoy the city Saturday, but were left stuck in the hotel on Sunday.  Sunday was election day, and NOTHING is allowed to be open.  It was very quite in Bolivia on Sunday.  This morning Katie and I visited the Tiwanaku ruins and learned a lot about the amaryan culture.  We are finally back at the hotel and ready for a good night`s rest!  We have to be at the airport super early in the morning (4a.m.!). 

Once we get back in the states, we will post some pictures of all the work done over the course of the summer!

 Dios Bendiga!

Hermana Olivia