International Aid’s Lab in a Suitcase training will be held on SIFAT’s campus August 10-12, 2008.

Imagine you are in a jungle area with no electricity. The nearest medical lab is days away. You need to make a diagnosis to determine which life-saving medicines to give…

Learn how to use International Aid’s convenient, portable medical lab specially designed for remote areas.

  • Performs 80% of the most commonly needed lab tests.
  • Uses alternative energy sources—solar panels, hand-crank, car-plug, etc.
  • Ideal for medical teams. Useful for disaster areas globally.

Who: This training is designed for health care personnel who do not have extensive laboratory training backgrounds

What: Lab in a Suitcase training.

When: August 10-12, 2008

Where: SIFAT’s international campus, Lineville, AL

More info: or contact Kathy Bryson,

The UMVIM group from South Carolina has only been here for three days, but you wouldn´t guess it by the amount of wall they´ve bricked.  The second floor is really starting to take shape.  Two of the exterior wall spaces are almost done, and one interior wall is halfway up.  All of the exterior wall is started with at least three layers of brick, though most has more.  Their energy and eagerness to serve has been a blessing to all of us. 

In addition to their construction exploits, the team has familiarized us with a powdered spice known as slap-yo-mama.  Lets just say I put a little too much of the stuff in my soup bowl at yesterday´s lunch.  Since then I´ve been a little more carefull…. 

Yesterday was the aniversario of the department of La Paz.  The kids spent the better part of the afternoon cutting bamboo and filling a notch with fuel and a rag to use as a wick.  They then joined the rest of Ixiamas below the age of 20 in a huge torch bearing parade.  It was a pretty neat sight.  The parade ended just off the town square with the singing of the national and departmental anthems.

And finally, I am proud to announce the latest addition to the Internado family.  She stands a proud 1 foot tall and bosts a three inch tail, thick black fur, a cute little face, and the ability to sleep just about anywhere on just about anything.  Her naming process is a story in and of itself.  The original idea was to name her Snicker, which is pronounced down hear like the tennis shoe (sneaker).  We then realized that the latter might be more appropriate because of her little white paws, so we changed the official name to Sneaker, and the kids never knew the difference.  She seemed a little wary of the place at first, but she´s starting to get the hang of things.  And Scott and Stronger have been more than accomodating.  

Not much time left!  While we are excited about coming home, we will all miss the kids, the place, the staff, and this beautiful country that has been our home for the last couple of months.  

Hasta Luego,


Granted the title insinuates that all that we did while the kids were away is eat, which is not true, but it was one of the enjoyable things we partook of while they were absent. While the kids were away spending time with their families we decided to dine on a few more traditional dishes such as, for the 4th of July we had green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet tea, and apple pie. oh and we sang the national anthem as we brought it out to the table, and abby recited the pledge of alligence in Spanish. Needless to say, Pastor and hermano Andres found it very amusing. Apparently the appetizing nature of it all encouraged us to eat plenty. I say this only because while climbing into bed the other day it decided to give way… and im on the top bunk. Abby was not below don’t worry, but the whole mattress decided to give way me included and i ended up in a heap below. No damage done though, merely checking to see if gravity is still in effect, it is. We quickly ascertained the problem, merely a loose sideboard, and Brian had it fixed in a jiffy the next day. So I headed to the hammock next door for a wonderful nights rest. Meanwhile I discovered that there is indeed a bat that lives in Brian’s wall, when it did laps around the common room at around 4 in the morning. One mystery solved. But all beds are now very secure (we checked them all) and everyone is safe and sound.

The group from South Carolina arrived yesterday and we are glad to have them. They have already begun construction. The chicos are now all back and full of energy, yesterday several of the group members and kids played a rousing game of football, (soccer) girls vs. boys. Unfortunaetly the boys won, but only in the final seconds. The girls definitly held their own, I think our best player is Ruth, who is about 4 feet tall and 9 years old, she definitely showed the rest of us up. Life goes on here at the internado, and we are excited about the work that this group will bestow upon us and the group to come.

Ciao, Katie

Our vacation too rurrenbaque was INCREDIBLE.  When we set out…we had no idea what was instore for us.  The pampas tour sent us swimming with alligators and dolphins and searching for anaconda´s (WE FOUND ONE!!!  or rather our guide found one…but we got to touch one!) and we have pictures to prove it.  We saw lots of beautiful birds…many alligators and cayman…and some big rodent thing.  We took an early morning boat ride to watch the sunrise, and it was incredible.  It was a beautiful reminder that the glory of the Lord is all around us if we will just open our eyes and recognize it. Special thanks to a member of Christ Community Church for recommending the cheesecake at julliana´s it was INCREDIBLE. 

So we finished up our vacation and headed back to Ixiamas to prepare for the arrival of the kids this weekend…However…vacation has been extended….once again. The 2 week vacation is officially a month long now. 

We are sad to not have the kids back, but another week of vacation will allow us to finish all of our projects.  Abby´s cook stove is coming along very nicely.  She and Katy have been working hard making bricks and designing a beautiful stove (just pray it works….)  We´ll test it out this week before the kids get back.

Bryan´s working hard with Maestro on the new building, and it looks like my ferro-cement tank is going to come together afterall (i will never again take for granted sewing machine´s or cement trucks).  It´s been hard, but very rewarding work. 

Sorry for the lack of pictures.  Seems it´s a little more difficult to upload than we anticipated.  If we get a chance we´ll send some your way. 

Back to work for the day!

Tú Hermana en Cristo -Olivia

A team from from Georgia came here from June 15-19, They  left last  weekend with  Rachel to Rurre and to LaPaz. The team had been a great blessing to us as 
well as to the townsfolk with the eyeglasses they brought. 
We had about 100 people that came for 2 days, (I dont have the exact number). There is no eyeglass shop nor eyeclinic here that I know in Ixiamas that is why the team was a great blessing. I saw beaming and smiling faces of people when they come out of intornado having their new eyeglasses on.
Rachel asked me and the interns to  learned the skill of checking the eyes for reading only and for simple correction.
After the team left,  the interns and I continue to take people
for eye check up and glasses! It´s fun. 
While Rachel is away and all the kids trying to keep the intornado well. 
We have pigs to feed and the dogs, and clean everything, same time the 
are working on their projects, the building construction´(stoves, etc.) 
_One time the pigs tried to escaped, Brian  ran to the woods 
and chased the pig back to their fence with the help of the 3 girls and Scott (the little 
dog). Again, thank God for the team that came, they had been a great blessing and encouragement to all the workers in the Intornado and to me personally.
