Last week, Jeremy Steele contacted SIFAT wanting to help us set up a Cause on Facebook. Working with SIFAT staff, Jeremy has made this idea a reality.
If you are unfamiliar with Facebook, it is a social networking site that allows users to add one another as “friends” and show their personal interests and activities. Various applications can be added to personalize each users page. The Causes application lets individuals join causes they support. Users are also able to donate to SIFAT.

If you are a Facebook user and would like to join our Cause, click here – If you’re not a user and would like to join, you’ll find all the information you need at that link.

Do you have an idea like Jeremy and want to get involved? Contact Marie,, to share your idea.

Did you know that World Water Day is tomorrow, March 22? Lifewater International sent an e-newsletter about this observance and why it happens. World Water Day is officially being observed in 69 cities across the US. During the entire week, many restaurants are asking that you donate $1 for your free water; the money collected will be donated to UNICEF for improving access to safe water and sanitation facilities. You can find out more information about World Water Day on the official website.

Having clean, safe water is part of SIFAT’s training. During the Practicum, students take classes and learn about the importance of clean water and the many organizations available to help projects become a reality. Currently, Addison Shock, one of our interns in Bolivia, has been training with Water for All International to drill a well in Ixiamas. An article in the upcoming Journal explains the process and what SIFAT is doing to help Ixiamas and surrounding communities receive clean water.
In the US, we take clean water for granted. In fact, the water bottling industry is booming because we are so particular about our water – the right taste, brand, etc. One of the amazing statistics we share with students in the CARES program easily shows the need for clean water in the world: The World Health Organization says that 70 percent of the world’s illnesses would be eradicated if everyone had access to clean water and sanitation. Wow! So tomorrow, as you enjoy a nice warm Easter weekend, think about clean water, and the possibility of supporting a Practicum student so clean water can become a reality in his or her community. Or, begin “paying” for your water and donate your payments to SIFAT each month. Find a creative way to involve your Sunday School class, Bible study group, civic organization or family to bring awareness of the lack of clean water in the world and ways you can get involved to help everyone have access to clean water.

Did you come up with a great way to commemorate World Water Day? Let us know if you did! We’d love to hear ways you brought attention to the need for clean water and SIFAT.

We received our February Journal’s from the printer today. If you’re on our mailing list, you should have already received yours or be receiving it soon. Are you not receiving the Journal and would like to be on our mailing list? You can send your name and address to Marie Lanier,, to receive a printed Journal, or you can sign up for our e-Journal by sending a blank e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE as the subject to

***Correction*** Please note that the Sarah Trust Fund thermometer was incorrect in this month’s Journal. The correct amount should have been $113,430 for February 2008. ***

To download a PDF copy of the SIFAT Journal, click here, or go to the news section of the website.

The Learn & Serve (L&S) section of our website received a facelift! Check it out at

L&S is SIFAT’s summer experience for mid-high through senior high students. Both youth groups and individuals can attend. If you are interested in becoming a counselor or attending, contact L&S director Jamie Waldhour,

Sessions begin on Sunday afternoon and end Friday morning.  L&S 2008 starts June 1 and finishes August 1. We hope to see you for “Three Sixty”

The SIFAT staff wishes you a merry Christmas. We hope you enjoy this holiday time with your friends and family.

The SIFAT offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 24, and Tuesday, Dec. 25, to observe Christmas.

Until 2008, catch up on SIFAT’s news by reading the December Journal.