Jarred Griffin and Addison Shock are flying to Bolivia today. They will be serving in our internado in Ixiamas as interns for three months. While in Ixiamas, they will be posting to the blog to keep everyone updated about their experience. Please check regularly for their posts.

As I packed for the three-month trip last night, I hit a wall when my bag was completely full and I still had several things left to put in it. At first I was frustrated, and then I smiled and thought to myself, “Jarred, you are such an American.” I began to see things as not as important as they were fifteen minutes prior. I decided I didn’t need four pairs of shoes, or seven shirts, or a bulky bottle of peroxide. Before I began packing, I was positive that one of the most important “items to bring” were my steel toed boots. “These are a must-have,” I thought to myself. Before I was finished, I was somewhat mad at myself for putting so much emphasis on something so huge, heavy, and uncomfortable. Through this packing experience, I was reminded of something Donald Miller writes about in Through Painted Deserts. In his book, Miller tells of his experience with overpacking for a hike into the Grand Canyon. He compared it to life in that we often times weigh ourselves down with things we think are important but in the end turn out to be a hindrance. Nevertheless, I am excited about leaving today and I am ready to get to work.
