Ecuador: New Regulations = New Concrete Equipment

In 2018, the Aida Leon project will break ground in Ecuador! However, new building codes and government regulations will not allow us to mix concrete by hand, as teams have done for the last 17 years in the traditional building style of Quito. SIFAT Ecuador’s engineer, Edwin Contreras, told us that inspectors were enforcing these new rules and even requiring some buildings to be torn down because of a lack of compliance. While it is the improving codes that are requiring the new equipment, we know many of our team members are excited about how much easier preparing concrete to pour columns will be!

Because of new building codes, SIFAT Ecuador must buy a concrete mixer and vibrator before the first mission team to Aida Leon arrives in February.

Edwin says the needed concrete mixer (pictured above) and vibrator (pictured below) will cost about $2500. To make a donation, please use the button below. (You will be redirected to our PayPal page. Remember, Southern Institute for Appropriate Technology is SIFAT’s legal name). If you prefer to mail a check, please designate Ecuador Concrete Equipment on the memo line.

These two pieces of machinery will cost about $2500.


Learn more about our Aida Leon project and 2018 mission teams on the Ecuador page of our website. Interested in leading a team or joining an existing one? E-mail for more info.