Tuesday morning we headed out bright and earlyto embark on our journey to El Tigre.  Riding on top of the truck (my new favorite mode of transportation) plus the free live entertainment provided by the group from St. John`s made the trip not only bearable, but a whole lot of fun.  The kids in El Tigre greeted us with fruit, then hearded us all together for an afternoon of soccer.  The guys held their own against the Bolivian`s, but the girls were a different story…we were more entertaining than anything else. 

After the soccer game, St. John`s organized a VBS, complete with a bible story, music and crafts.  The kids loved it and I loved being there to experience it.

Elba`s (one of the older girls at the internado) sister-in-law lives in El Tigre and was gracious enough to open her kitchen for our cooking needs.  We ate well, slept under the stars and woke up renewed and refreshed Wednesday mornign.  Before heading back to Ixiamas, we had a service with one of the two churches in El Tigre.  At one point we were all singing “Awesome God“  in English and Spanish.  It was such an beautiful moment, the Lord was present and glorified. 

Back at the Internado the team worked hard on the rabbit hutch and the new building.   With Cowboy`s help I was even able to come up with a new solution to fixing the top of the ferro cement tank (apparantly it is not as easy as one would think to build the top of a ferro cement tank).  *Thanks Cowboy!

 The goodbye`s began while we were away in el Tigre (Abby and Bryan had there farewell with the kids).  They, along with the group are on there way home as I type this.  Judith will bid the kids farewell Wednesday night and Angel (a volunteer here) will say goodbye then also.   It is sad at the internado as we all say goodbye to old and new friends. 

Katie and I have a little more time left, so check back for more on life in the internado.



NOTE:  Mr. Terry, Thanks for Three Cups of Tea.  I finished it this week and LOVED it.  It is definitely worth reading.  It opens your eyes to a whole new attitude of service.  I`m passing it off to Vicky and Rachel.  🙂