Here´s a letter I posted to the SIFAT staff last weekend. I want to thank the Lord for those who have been praying for me and with me for the Internado folks. Also I thank the Lord as once again has shown that He is a God of impossibilities.
About same time last year, when the opportunity to go to Bolivia came up, I had no imagination how in the world I could get to Bolivia from my far away country. While praying to go to Bolivia or not, I also did research on how to get a visa and exhaust all possibilities of flight routes. For about 4 – 5 months I tried to find a route from Philippines to Bolivia. I thought it was almost impossible. I did not know that time of any Filipinos going to Bolivia.
However, the Lord made a way! To God be the Glory! Here´s my letter to SIFAT staff just to share with you. I wrote this last week, I only have a week now in Bolivia. (Courtney, thanks for your letter!Its an encouragment to know that there people reading my blog :))
Hola SIFAT staff,
Can you believe I only got 2 weeks in Bolivia, but only 1 week with the kids? School year ends by next weekend. And kids go back to their homes. It seems it was just yesterday, when I started researching for Bolivia. Around same time last year, when I was looking and researching on visa how to get to Bolivia, and praying same time how to get here. And now, my time is over.I can´t explain all the mixed emotions going on inside of me. I wish I could describe it better with words on how I am feeling right now. Of course, very sad to leave…I am excited though to see yall again, and anxious for what is next.
Just when I hit 5 weeks before I  leave BoliviaI I almost checked out. I started to think of things I will be doing next. I started thinking what I could be doing, and the things I hope I could do, or will do. Again, I forgot this main thing…here, now.Â
Here.Now. With due respect to the Learn and Serve folks, please excuse me Nate and Jamie for borrowing this title,”Here.Now”, just to share some reflection and thoughts as I leave Bolivia. “Here and Now” is a big lesson I´m still learning (todavia) in my life.
Actually, few months prior to coming to SIFAT last year, I wrote in my journal an article on my reflection from my time in China, and the title is the same, “Here.Now”. So, I was surprised when I came to SIFAT and saw the theme of the Learn and Serve as the same.
I realized that one of my regrets or mistakes,or a main lesson I should have learned long time ago, is to be “Here and Now”, Which means, to enjoy the moment. I had the tendency to make myself busy with so many things, at the same time think and plan ahead or sometimes worry about the future, instead of enjoying the time being, for that particular time, for that particular place with the very people I am with. I ended up loosing the joy of capturing the opportunity, the moment.Then, afterwards, I ended up wasting my time regretting what I have lost. I was also guilty of wasting the time by complaining and whining instead of being “thankful” for what God has given me for that time.
One week, 7 days, and two weeks, 14 days. I could still watch the orange -yellow sun that  rises above the trees infront  of my room  when I wake up in the morning. I could still watch the colorful sky that turns yellow, with pink,to purple as the sun goes down behind the hills at the back of my and balcony.
I could still see the birds that fly around and above the building. I could still watch the zillion of bright stars that dusted the sky on every pitch dark night.  I could still enjoy playing and washing in the river.   I could still enjoy my walk to and fro the town as I watch the little and big pigs on the road, with the chickens, and wild horses and cows roaming around the town. I could still play with Snicker,(the little black dog) and sometimes with Scott and Stronger (the other dogs of Internado).
And most of all, I could still be with the Internado kids, for now, here at this moment.
Right here, right now.
The Lord has taught me a lot of things while being here in Bolivia. HE has blessed me in everyway. I hope to share more next time.
Hasta la vista!