Our first week of Learn & Serve was absolutely incredible! We had 102 participants from 5 different churches from the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi.


The youth and adults enjoyed spending their time worshiping in the Quonset Hut, meeting new people in their SPEAR groups, being rained out of the Global Village…twice!, playing fun games on the soccer field and many, many other things!!

Challenge Course

This past week we had a group of Haitian students at SIFAT learning some very simple and appropriate technologies that they will be able to take back with them to help better the lives of their people. Our youth were able to experience some songs and fellowship with these wonderful people.


We also have two interns helping out this summer at SIFAT: Raphael Ogbole from Nigeria and Vicky Planta from the Philippines. Both of these incredible interns have already enriched our Learn & Serve program through their gifts and their presence.

Writing a blog post without posting a picture of your 2010 Counselors would be a mistake, so here they are in their Nigerian shirts!!!


Our counselors want to say to you….

“We are SO excited about our next week of campers that will be arriving June 13th! Hurry up and get here already!!!”

For more pictures and tons of fun, check out our Servants in Faith and Technology page on Facebook! There are more updates, blog posts and much excitement coming soon!!!

If you are interested in bringing your students to L&S, please contact learnandserve@sifat.org for more information. We would be glad to host your group for a week of summer camp or an event in the coming school year!