So the first day that me and Jarred arrived in Rurre we just hung out and decided to book a tour. We shopped around and finally with much thought decided on a rafting tour we had found. The company was Donato tours and this was a unique tour only they offered. We say a few pictures and decided it would be fun. At nine oclock we showed up to leave for our tour. They were getting a few last minute things together and then we headed to the river. A boat drove us about two and a half hours up stream, what we later found out was 25 km. They let us out with our guide ,we had a quick lunch ,and then we started to pump up our raft. After about five minutes of pumping up our raft I noticed the label that said about a four hundred pound limit. I told Jarred and after comparing weights we realized that we almost topped that alone not to mention our guide. We got the raft blown up and set out back for Rurre. It was not long before we realized that this was not so much rafting but maybe we will call it floating. Also that this was possible the smallest raft we had ever seen. It was a sight me and Jarred and our guide trying not to flip our raft while also trying not to lay on each other. We had seen some fairly large rapids down stream a ways so for an hour and a half we waited paitently while floating in the boat. We finally saw the rapids and paddled full speed ahead at them. The rapids were actually pretty freaking big and with the size of our boat we were both pretty worried about it. We came to the first wall of water that was about seven feet high and without flipping managed it well. It was a rough ride for about thirty seconds and at one point I thought we were gonna lose Jarred. We made it through the rapids and then it became calm again for the next three and a half hours ha. We later decided the tour should be called float and get as sun burnt as possibe. When we arrived at Rurre we had lost probably half of the air in the raft and most of the Beni river was in the boat. Needless to say it was a blast. We both now can barely move because of the sun burn covering about 88% of our bodies. Today we woke up early and headed to the mini bus place to get our tickets that we had reserved for the ride to Ixiamas. We had saved seats for the nine oclock bus because all but the front two seats on these buses we are not able to fit in. We walked in the office and asked to pay for our reserved seats for the nine oclock bus and the man then informs us that there is no nine oclock bus and that we can pay for another bus though. We both were pretty frustrated and got two front seats for a bus that was leaving when it filled up. We are now in Ixiamas safely. We sat today at the bus thingy for seven hours. Jarred got the middle front seat and usually they are good seats that have leg room, but it just so happened that on this bus it was a wooden box that was crammed between the front two seats haha. The engine also was positioned to blow hot air from the engine directly on his sunburnt feet. He put his feet on the console most of the trip. Anyway it is good to be home in Ixiamas. Hopefully we will start the test wells pretty soon. Prayers are needed. -Addison-