Uganda: Sunday and Sickness (Jackson’s Update)

Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.

Well, Sunday was a wonderful day at Agape Christian Academy! We worshipped the Lord in English and Lugandan and felt the Lord’s presence. Glen and I cried a lot! God was gracious and used us to share our testimony of how the Lord connected us to Agape and brought us here for the month. The children seemed totally engaged, and the new headmistress was deeply moved. God is so amazing!

After the service, I was extremely sick and had to return to the hotel. Glen and I spent time in prayer, read Scripture and listened to Praise music. Jesus ministered to us so beautifully, and I had such peace. After a good night’s sleep, I am feeling 100%! We believe that we discovered the cause–however, it could have just been a test of our faith. God is good, and today, it has been wonderful being with the children. The new students are excited to meet us and seem so glad to be here. Tomorrow will begin our teaching classes. I know this is long and does not include pictures, but I am working on it. I will get it done soon! ~ Marie

Uganda: The Jacksons arrive at Agape!

Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.

Glen Jackson in Uganda

Glen Jackson and William Nsubuga discuss details for the construction project at Agape Total Childcare Center in June 2012.

Hello, everyone! We are here!!! It has been a great day already–seeing the children and William. We have already had a meeting with the children. There are around 32 new students attending Agape Christian Academy.

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Learn & Serve: “48: A Slum Experience” Retreat!

January 19-21, 2013, eighty participants and thirty-four staff stepped into the life of over one billion people on the planet at “48: A Slum Experience”. This intense retreat allows high school participants, adult leaders, and college-aged staff to experience life in an urban slum environment.

Participants and staff of the 2013 “48: A Slum Experience” retreat celebrate gaining a new awareness of slum life around the world.

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Learn & Serve: New Retreat Programs Now Offered!

Learn & Serve is excited to announce two new programming options for retreats! To continue to provide a diverse range of experiences connecting our participants to our brothers and sisters around the world, Learn & Serve has begun offering participants the opportunity to participate in a Refugee Camp Overnight and an Urban Slum Prayer Experience.
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Learn & Serve: Summer 2012 Worship, from Abstract to Concrete

Learn & Serve Summer 2013 Worship Leader Becca Griffin tells her perspective on how worship at Learn & Serve this past summer provided a bridge for students between concrete and abstract expressions of faith:

Many of the words that are used in singing/teaching/talking about faith tend to be abstract and make it difficult for youth to connect. There is no more lack of desire or devotion for them than anyone else, but a lack of concrete example when it comes to living out the faith that they sing about/learn about/profess. Perhaps connecting the ideas of faith with reality is not a struggle for youth alone, but abstract concepts like love, justice, and following Christ, when only spoken about and not experienced or lived out, make it hard for youth to really learn, practice, or live out those things that they affirm, or have been taught in word to do as Christians.

Learn & Serve students singing in worship at SIFAT’s Quonset Hut.

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