This week is going to be busy for our SIFAT staff, but you have several opportunities to get involved. Check out the schedule below to see what’s happening!

Tuesday, 4-6 p.m.: Sarah Corson will be at His Place Christian Resources in Lineville, Ala., for a book signing as part of His Place’s Christmas Open House. For more information, click here.
Wednesday, 6-8 p.m.: Alpha Kappa Lambda and the employees of AU Photo Services are offering Christmas photos in front of Samford Hall on Auburn’s campus. For a $25 donation, you’ll receive two 5×7 photos and a CD with digital copies that you can have reprinted or use for Christmas card photos. For more information, click here.

Sunday, 2 p.m.: Sarah Corson will have a book signing at Wedowee FUMC in Wedowee, Ala. The event will start with Sarah reading an excerpt from Risking Everything. For more information, click here.

*Don’t forget to use or when you’re shopping online for Cyber Monday deals and Christmas shopping! Both of these sites allow SIFAT to receive a percentage of your total purchase. It’s free money for us, and a way for you to donate without realizing it! See our past posts about iGive and Goodshop to learn more.