Uganda: Sunday Church (Jackson Update)

Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.

We had such a blessed day today at Agape! Glen was able to preach the sermon concerning following Christ as His disciple. He was truly used by the Lord to communicate the call on all of our lives to share the Gospel with everyone.

Glen preached the sermon at church under the tent!

We taught the children the song Ten Thousand Reasons. We wrote the words on a blackboard, played it for them, and they learned it quickly. They loved it! Zion says that we will sing it as a worship song next week! The afternoon was spent talking with the children and enjoying games and skits.

Marie taught the children Ten Thousand Reasons.

The boys perform another skit! They are so talented!

William ended our time by talking with the students to encourage them to live as godly young people! He is quite anointed to deal with them, and it is a joy to observe his great love for all children! ~ Glen and Marie

William instructing the children during out Sunday service.

Lillian won the Bible Drill!

Joy joined us for church, too!