Uganda: The Jacksons arrive at Agape!
Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.

Glen Jackson and William Nsubuga discuss details for the construction project at Agape Total Childcare Center in June 2012.
Hello, everyone! We are here!!! It has been a great day already–seeing the children and William. We have already had a meeting with the children. There are around 32 new students attending Agape Christian Academy.

Marie Jackson taught music classes at Agape Christian Academy when she was on a mission team from Western Heights Baptist Church in 2012.
We had a music class that was rained out. We could not even hear ourselves talk the rain was so hard and loud! The power went off after we heard Douglas play the keyboard. He is doing so well from the classes from last year and the continuing classes here at Agape. Also, Ezra is doing well on the keyboard. They can now play for church. We will share more later. Blessings to all! ~ Glen and Marie