First off, a hen just walked past my chair in the internet cafe. In other news, Addison and I will be going back to La Paz on Monday night. I am guessing we will arrive there around 10 pm Tuesday night if all goes well. I am not sure what the itenirary is but we will be going to Santa Cruz from La Paz for well drilling training from a group based out of Texas. From my undersdtanding, Santa Cruz is another day´s drive from La Paz in another direction than Ixiamas. Hopefully we will have a good grasp on what to expect with the drilling process after a couple of days and will be able to ride back with Rachel who will stay in La Paz for about a week. Unrelated to that, we will be harvesting rice again this weekend in the Chaco. Unrelated to that, if anyone can overnight me a sloppy, mayo dripping cheeseburger, I will be happy to reimburse you.-Jarred