As Addison said in an earlier post, we met Andreas, the farm hand, on the road last Monday after we had walked a good ways out towards Two Trees. He said a bunch of words we didnt understand, showed us some rice stalks, and shook his head no. He said Sabado and Domingo. With this said, we will try again to harvest some of the rice crop tomorrow and Sunday.
Today, Rachel surprised us with a box of Chocolate cereal (I think the brand was chicapita?) and a can of powdered milk. I have never been so excited about the thought of a bowl of cereal, even if it is chicapita with a crazy dog on the box diving into the cereal and powdered milk. Any cereal but ¨rice¨ krispies. It especially was a treat since the morning had been a little rough. Both of us still have some adjusting to do. Addison has an ant bite on top of an ant bite and a 7th degress sunburn on his neck. He also accidently knocked over the porcelain sink today. It broke. – Jarred