International Project Update: September Training in Zambia

Letson Kachoronga is already leading training sessions at the United Methodist Conference Center/SIFAT Training Center in Lusaka, Zambia. Letson participated in last May’s Field Study at SIFAT and also taught some of the agricultural classes. Letson uses Foundations for Farming techniques to teach sustainable agriculture that produces significantly more than traditional farming methods, as well as uses Biblical principles and discipleship. Although the center is not completed, Letson is already training local community members.


Letson Kachoronga, SIFAT Zambia project coordinator, held a three-day training on Sept. 26-28, 2013, at the SIFAT Training Center/United Methodist Conference Center in Lusaka, Zambia. During this training, 20 participants discussed topics including health, leadership skills, community development and agricultural techniques. Letson led classes, as well as hands-on demonstrations.

We had a wonderful three-day training at SIFAT’s Zambia Training Center from Thursday, Sept. 26th to Saturday, Sept. 28th. We had 20 participants from two churches, Matero and Kanyama UMCs. I was really encouraged by the level of willingness of learning that was shown by the participants. We discussed health, leadership skills, community development and agricultural techniques. Pastor Kenneth Kalichi, the new pastor of the Abundant Life UMC that is located on the Center’s property, talked about community development; Patricia and Mavis from Matero, who are part of the Lusaka District leadership taught on health matters and leadership skills respectively; and I spoke about agriculture.

After attending the short training, many participants were interested in future training events to learn more. They are excited about implementing the techniques they are learning.

After the three-day training, Patricia shared, “I’m very happy to go through this training session. I have learned a lot that I didn’t know in agriculture. I used to spend a lot of money plowing my fields and wasting my energy in making very big mounds when planting sweet potatoes. I am going to change my way of farming, and I need to teach my fellow Christians and my neighbors.”

Although the facilities are not completed, local people are able to participate in training. SIFAT needs your help to complete construction and furnish the buildings, so larger training events can be help with participants from neighboring countries and beyond!

A number of these participants said the training was too short, and they are looking forward to attending more trainings! They believe we have a lot of information that will help them improve their lives. Most of the people who attended the training have promised to implement the techniques, and they asked me to visit them to help establish their fields.

The traditional kitchen!


Here are some of the people participating in the training. Letson is pictured on the back row, third from the right (in the hat). Two of his four workers who are helping set up demonstration gardens on the property are in the front row.

 Short-term teams for 2014 are still needed to help with construction of the Zambia Training Center. We have many people that want to come from other countries to receive training, but cannot until the facilities are completed. To learn more about our work in Zambia and teams, click here. To lead a short-term mission team, contact international team coordinator Peggy Walker, If you would like to financially support the Center and its training, please designate your donation Zambia.