Learn & Serve: March Madness!

While the world is gearing up for NBA March Madness 2013, the Learn & Serve staff is ready to hit the court for one of our busiest months of the year!

March brings many groups to SIFAT’s campus for a variety of programs. L&S currently has more than 15 events scheduled next month with an estimated 750 participants coming to our campus during Spring 2013!

Groups will be participating in a variety of L&S programs, as well as using our facilities for their own retreats. We also have several groups coming specifically to volunteer their time to help improve our campus through work projects.

Please be in prayer for these participants as they come to SIFAT for their retreats. Pray they will feel the Lord’s presence and learn the lessons he has for them here. Also be in prayer for our staff as they prepare for the busiest weeks of the year. Pray for their energy and hearts as they attempt to share God’s love with all those who come to our campus.

Are you coming to SIFAT for a retreat next month? Let us know! Comment on our blog, tweet at us, or visit our Facebook page and tell us why you are excited to come to SIFAT!
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Uganda: Sunday Church (Jackson Update)

Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.

We had such a blessed day today at Agape! Glen was able to preach the sermon concerning following Christ as His disciple. He was truly used by the Lord to communicate the call on all of our lives to share the Gospel with everyone.

Glen preached the sermon at church under the tent!

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Uganda: More Teaching and Visiting Sam (Jackson Update)

Glen Jackson, a member of the SIFAT board of directors, and his wife Marie are currently in Uganda for a month visiting Agape Total Childcare Center. Glen and Marie have gone on short-term mission trips to serve at SIFAT graduate William Nsubuga’s project for the past two years and are leading a team this summer. They will be sharing their experiences with us as they experience life in Mukono! Click here to read more about SIFAT’s work in Uganda.
What a fabulous day at Agape Christian Academy! We taught from 9 to 5 with only a break for lunch. Four Bible classes and a music class! We are teaching from Experiencing God, instructing the students how to know when God speaks and directs us. We continue to teach vocabulary daily as we see that what we THINK they know, they don’t know! Speaking English here is like us speaking Spanish in Cuba.

Ezra (left) and Douglas

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