Training – Field Study: Water, Water Everywhere

 Our May Field Study was held on SIFAT’s campus May 12-25. Sarah Murphree, SIFAT co-founder Sarah Corson’s great-niece, participated this year. She has been blogging about her experience and giving readers a glimpse of what types of appropriate technologies and community development topics are being presented, as well as a look into who some of the participants are.  A 2012 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Sarah recently directed and produced two short films, one taking first place in the 2013 Nashville Film Festival. She is currently working on her third film, a documentary about Camp Koinonia.

One of the subjects covered during the Field Study was the need for clean water. Alabama Water Watch, a water quality monitoring program covering all major river basins of the state, came to educate us about water quality. We watched informative videos and learned about the need for clean water globally. We then had the chance to test the water here at SIFAT.

Clean water was one of the main topics covered during the Field Study.

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Learn & Serve: Summer 2013 Spaces Still Available!

There are still remaining spaces at SIFAT’s Learn & Serve Summer 2013 Experience!

This summer at Learn & Serve, the topic of “Missions” is being discussed.  Missions is an increasingly popular topic in today’s churches and youth groups. We are all interested in how to foster more “missions-minded” congregations and empower people to serve others.  SIFAT was founded for this purpose– to help empower leaders from developing countries to meet their basic human needs.  This summer at Learn & Serve, we will dive into the idea of missions from a Biblical perspective to examine our motivation behind service.  God’s incredible love for us is why we are called to serve those around us. This idea should be at the forefront of our missions, but we sometimes forget the connection.  By reexamining this connection our view of missions may change– loving those around us may mean those in material poverty around the world or members of our own family, or both! We will look at these ideas through the lens of our experiential learning activities to not only examine our view on missions, but also challenge students to step into the lives of people around the world to better understand the needs and feelings of those we seek to serve.

The 4-day, 5-night Learn & Serve Summer Experience takes place each week during the summer (excluding 4th of July week), see our upcoming session dates below:

  • Session 2: June 9-14 Booked Full
  • Session 3: June 16-21 REMAINING SPACES AVAILABLE! 
  • Session 4: June 23-28REMAINING SPACES AVAILABLE!
  • Session 6: July 14-19 Booked Full
  • Session 7: July 21-26 REMAINING SPACES AVAILABLE!

Please email to learn about pricing information for each of these weeks, or visit our Learn & Serve page to learn more!

Due to a large number of SIFAT summer staff, we are able to offer a better adult:student ratio requirement. This summer, we ask for a minimum of 1 adult for every 15 students for group registrants.  Please note that we also offer individual registration, so anyone interested in participating can attend!


Please don’t hesitate to contact us  if there is anything we can do to assist in making this opportunity a possibility for you! We are willing to help in any way we can.

Training – Field Study:

Our May Field Study is currently being held on SIFAT’s campus May 12-25. Sarah Murphree, SIFAT co-founder Sarah Corson’s great-niece, is a participant this year. She will be blogging about her experience and giving readers a glimpse of what types of appropriate technologies and community development topics are being presented, as well as a look into who some of the participants are.  A 2012 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Sarah recently directed and produced two short films, one taking first place in the 2013 Nashville Film Festival. She is currently working on her third film, a documentary about Camp Koinonia.

We had the pleasure to spend some time with Dr. Larry Winiarski, inventor of the rocket stove. Larry, a man of few words, is brilliant beyond belief. He dedicated numerous hours, months and years to come up with a solution to build better stoves in impoverished countries. After many years of hard work, he found a solution. He came up with a model allowing smoke to blow away from the stoves, so people aren’t forced to inhale dangerous fumes.

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Training – Field Study: International Night

Our May Field Study is currently being held on SIFAT’s campus May 12-25. Sarah Murphree, SIFAT co-founder Sarah Corson’s great-niece, is a participant this year. She will be blogging about her experience and giving readers a glimpse of what types of appropriate technologies and community development topics are being presented, as well as a look into who some of the participants are.  A 2012 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Sarah recently directed and produced two short films, one taking first place in the 2013 Nashville Film Festival. She is currently working on her third film, a documentary about Camp Koinonia.
One activity that takes place during the training program is international night. On this night, students from different countries prepare a native dish. This year during international night, students enjoyed a diverse meal of foods from Haiti, the Congo, Honduras, Bolivia and the Philippines. This was one of my favorite nights in training so far. It was a wonderful evening that I wish everyone could experience one day.

One evening, international participants cooked native dishes for everyone to sample. It was a great time to get to know one another better and to try new types of food!

Training – Field Study: A Night in the Slums

Our May Field Study is currently being held on SIFAT’s campus May 12-25. Sarah Murphree, SIFAT co-founder Sarah Corson’s great-niece, is a participant this year. She will be blogging about her experience and giving readers a glimpse of what types of appropriate technologies and community development topics are being presented, as well as a look into who some of the participants are.  A 2012 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Sarah recently directed and produced two short films, one taking first place in the 2013 Nashville Film Festival. She is currently working on her third film, a documentary about Camp Koinonia.


Tonight was a night I shall never forget. It was my first time to experience the slums at SIFAT. The Slum Experience is a program offered at SIFAT where high school students, adult leaders and college-aged staff experience life in the slums. During global training, we get a taste of this. Tonight was that night. Addison Shock, Learn & Serve director, divided us into families and led us down the wooded path to the slums where we would stay for three hours. We had no knowledge of where we were going or what to expect. This is how the majority of people enter the slums. People don’t choose to live here. Often times, they come across the slums in search of a place of safety. People never expect to stay here long, but with little knowledge of what else is out there and where to go, sometimes the slums seems like a diamond in the ruff.


SIFAT’s Urban Slum simulates what life may be like for an estimated one billion people in the world.

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