Save the Date – 40th Anniversary Celebration


We are planning an exciting event to commemorate 40 years of Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways and want you to be part of it!

Mark your calendars to join our staff on September 21, 2019, on the Galilee Campus of SIFAT for a meal, tours of campus, demonstrations of appropriate technology and a special program to remember 40 years of ministry, to update our current projects and program, and to hear the vision for our future. Watch your email, our social media and website for more details to come.

Dress casually and plan to spend time outside enjoying Mad Indian Creek and our grounds here at the international headquarters. The event is free, but reservations are needed by Sept. 1. Call the SIFAT office at 256.396.2015 or e-mail with your name, contact number or email and the number of people attending.

Celebrating 40 Years of SIFAT

Save the Date!
September 21, 2019 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

SIFAT Galilee Campus
2944 County Road 113
Lineville, AL 36266

RSVP: 256.396.2015 /

Dress casually to enjoy a day outdoors on our campus to celebrate Sharing God’s Love in Practical Ways with us!


Other events prior to Our 40th Fiesta:

Sept. 17, 6 p.m. at Wedowee FUMC – International Graduate Projects
Our visiting international graduates will share about their current ministries and how what they learned in SIFAT training classes has helped the communities in which they serve.

Sept. 20, 6 p.m. at Wedowee FUMC – Book Signing
SIFAT co-founder Benjo Paredes has written a memoir about moving from the high Andes mountain community where he grew up as an orphan to the unsettled jungle of Sapecho, Bolivia. SIFAT board of director member Art Stephenson had a much different experience as he grew up in the United States, worked in engineering and became director of Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, Ala. Benjo and Art are going to share about their lives and how both ended up being impacted by SIFAT’s work. After their talks, they will hold a joint book signing.

Kick Off the Giving Season with #GivingTuesday 2017

#GivingTuesday is Nov. 28!

It’s #GivingTuesday time once again! Please save the date for Nov. 28 to participate in this global holiday that celebrates generosity and kindness by giving to nonprofit organizations, such as SIFAT. Just as Black Friday and Cyber Monday kick off the holiday buying season, #GivingTuesday starts the giving season, reminding us what this time of year is truly about! Isn’t it exciting to be part of something greater than ourselves when we join together to give back!

For the fifth consecutive year, SIFAT is participating in #GivingTuesday. It’s the perfect time to take a break from the hustle of holiday shopping and embrace the spirit of giving! A group of dedicated SIFAT donors set up a matching fund of $35,000 to double your gift! The “rules” for #GivingTuesday are the same as last year. When you make an online donation at any time on November 28, your contribution will double because of the generosity of our SIFAT donors — up to the first $35,000 that we raise!

How to participate:

  1. Donate online through The Advance: We are asking donors to use our Advance #982812 page* to give, so that 100% of each donation goes to our general fund because the credit card processing fees are covered by The Advance. Simply click the large, red GIVE NOW button on the right side of the page.
  2. Donate online through our website: You can also donate directly to SIFAT on our website ( Click on the donate button, which will take you to our PayPal page. Remember, Southern Institute for Appropriate Technology is our legal name, so your donation will come to SIFAT.
  3. Donate by check: Mail your contribution to 2944 County Road 113, Lineville, AL 36266. Please designate #GivingTuesday on the memo line, and make sure we receive it on or before Nov. 28.

Last year, SIFAT supporters raised a total of $78,482.50 on #GivingTuesday. Help us reach our goal of $100,000 this year! Thank you for your faithful support to SIFAT and for doubling your impact by making a generous gift on Nov. 28. Please share this information with your friends and family to encourage them to give to SIFAT on #GivingTuesday!

Grace and peace,
Tom Corson
Executive Director

*The Advance is an official program of The United Methodist Church for voluntary, designated, second-mile giving. Each Advance project has been vetted and approved by Global Ministries and Advance staff.


Merry Christmas from SIFAT!

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Double Your Money#GivingTuesday 2015

Matching funds can double your financial gift to SIFAT when you make an online donation on December 1! Don’t get caught up in the holiday giving season, rushing from store to store, or site to site, to find the best sales to get everyone on your list the perfect present! FOR ONE DAY ONLY, on December 1, 2015, as part of UMC #GivingTuesday, gifts made to the SIFAT general fund through Advance #982812 will be matched*. On this day, 200 percent of your gift directly supports our SIFAT ministry.

On December 1 beginning at 12 a.m. CST, you can donate to the SIFAT General Fund on our Advance #982812 page. We encourage you to donate early because of the limited availability of matching funds! Our staff will gladly send you an early reminder or help you in any way we can in making your donation. Email Marie ( with any questions or with information on how you would like to be contacted for your reminder – phone, e-mail or text!

Here is the website to use to donate. Simply click the large, red GIVE NOW button on the right side of the page.

Thank you so much for your faithful support to SIFAT and for doubling your impact by making a generous gift on December 1.

Grace and peace,

Tom Corson
Executive Director

*Global Ministries will allocate the “matching funds” dollar for dollar up to the first $1,000,000 in gifts to all Advance projects combined received online on December 1, 2015, between 12:00 a.m. CST and 11:59 p.m. A maximum of $2,500 per individual gift to SIFAT will be dispersed as matching funds. SIFAT may receive a maximum of $25,000 in matching funds.


Get Involved: UMC #GivingTuesday Dec. 3 – Matching Funds Double Your Donation!

Have you often wanted to stretch your giving to include one more orphan, one more hungry family, one more youth longing to study? When you make an online donation on December 3, your gift will double! FOR ONE DAY ONLY, on December 3, 2013, as part of UMC #GivingTuesday, gifts made to the SIFAT general fund through Advance #982812 will be matched*. On this day, 200 percent of your gift directly supports our SIFAT ministry.

On December 3 beginning at 12 a.m. EST (remember that’s 11 p.m. Dec. 2 CST), you can donate to the SIFAT General Fund on our Advance #982812 page (see link below). We encourage you to donate early because of the limited availability of matching funds (only $500,000 total for all organizations combined)! Our staff will gladly send you an early reminder or help you in any way we can in making your donation. Email Marie ( with any questions or with information on how you would like to be contacted for your reminder – phone, e-mail or text!

Here is the website to use to donate. Simply click the large, red GIVE NOW button on the right side of the page.

Thank you so much for your faithful support to SIFAT and for doubling your impact by making a generous gift on December 3.

Grace and peace,

Tom Corson
Executive Director

*Global Ministries will allocate the “matching funds” dollar for dollar up to the first $500,000 in gifts to all Advance projects combined received online on December 3, 2013, between 12:00 a.m. EST and 11:59 p.m. A maximum of $10,000 per individual gift to a project will be dispersed as matching funds. A project may receive a maximum of $50,000 in matching funds.