Learn & Serve: March Madness!

While the world is gearing up for NBA March Madness 2013, the Learn & Serve staff is ready to hit the court for one of our busiest months of the year!

March brings many groups to SIFAT’s campus for a variety of programs. L&S currently has more than 15 events scheduled next month with an estimated 750 participants coming to our campus during Spring 2013!

Groups will be participating in a variety of L&S programs, as well as using our facilities for their own retreats. We also have several groups coming specifically to volunteer their time to help improve our campus through work projects.

Please be in prayer for these participants as they come to SIFAT for their retreats. Pray they will feel the Lord’s presence and learn the lessons he has for them here. Also be in prayer for our staff as they prepare for the busiest weeks of the year. Pray for their energy and hearts as they attempt to share God’s love with all those who come to our campus.

Are you coming to SIFAT for a retreat next month? Let us know! Comment on our blog, tweet at us, or visit our Facebook page and tell us why you are excited to come to SIFAT!
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Learn & Serve: New Retreat Programs Now Offered!

Learn & Serve is excited to announce two new programming options for retreats! To continue to provide a diverse range of experiences connecting our participants to our brothers and sisters around the world, Learn & Serve has begun offering participants the opportunity to participate in a Refugee Camp Overnight and an Urban Slum Prayer Experience.
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Bolivia: Video from AU EWB Team

The Auburn University Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter served in Bolivia August 2-12 as part of a long-term commitment to Quesimpuco. Since this is the EWB team’s third trip, the AU Office of Communication & Marketing (OCM) sent a media team to capture video and photos of the service learning experience in which these college students, faculty and alumni participate. The EWB team works throughout the year to design simple technologies that can be used in this remote village in the Andes. While in Quesimpuco, team members work with the community to teach the concept of the technology and discuss different ways it can be implemented with the available resources.

You can read more about what the team did and see photos from their trip by clicking here. Watch the video AU OCM produced of the partnership among SIFAT, EWB and the people of Quesimpuco below!

To learn more about our international projects and trips, click here.

We missed posting for a couple of weeks, but don’t think we haven’t been busy at SIFAT! Highlights: CARES, retreats, speaking at churches and a short-term mission leader training with UMC Global Missions and preparing for this week’s field study. It never seems to slow down.

Here’s what’s going on this week at SIFAT:

All week: Field Training in World Hunger and malnutrition: Practical Skills to Make a Difference. Click here to learn more.

Wednesday, May 18: UAB–PAHO International Collaborating School of Nursing will visit to learn about SIFAT and participate in some of the Field Study activities.

Friday, May 20: Sunday, May 22: A work team from Chapelwood UMC in Athens, Ga., is coming to lend a hand and work on some projects around campus!
Saturday, May 21: Our Learn & Serve summer staff arrive.
Sunday, May 22: Ivan Roman and Peggy Walker meet with the Trinity UMC (Birmingham) short-term mission team to Ecuador. Ivan and Peggy will share about the project and do some cross cultural training.

Sunday, May 22: Sarah Corson will be speaking at Rockstand Church

Sunday, May 22: The Learn & Serve staff begin training for this summer’s camp.