Because of the increased participation in retreats, we are now looking for campus interns. These interns will assist, direct and lead retreats during both the fall and the spring. They will model the lifestyle of Jesus to the participants of our Learn & Serve program. Interns will live on our property in community with other staff members. Our fall internship is for three months, and our spring internship is for four months. If you are interested in being an intern or have questions, please contact Addison by e-mail,, or call 256.396.2015. We look forward to working with you!

Download a letter and application for more information in Word or PDF. Applications for spring 2012 are due Dec. 14.

destruction from Hurricane IreneAs Hurricane Irene hit the Bahamas last Thursday, Servants in Faith and Technology (SIFAT) staff member Addison Shock joined pilot Cameron King of Bahamas Habitat to prepare for an immediate response to the storm’s destruction. The next morning, they flew supplies to Eleuthera, Bahamas, where Bahamas Methodist Habitat (BMH) is located. SIFAT and Bahamas Habitat have worked together similarly in Haiti for the last year and a half.

“I feel relieved to know that no one is critically injured,” King said. “It was good to simply see the people we love, but there is a lot of work to do.”

(photo left: Damage on Eleuthera from Hurricane Irene)

Abe, Addison and Cameron on the way to the Bahamas

Arriving around 1 p.m. Friday afternoon, King and Shock unloaded supplies, checked on friends and surveyed the damage. Shock also delivered water filters donated by SIFAT to be used by BMH. King and Shock returned to the Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport, where Shock is in charge of ground operations for the Bahamas Habitat staging area. He is coordinating donations, weighing supplies and preparing pallets for volunteer pilots to load on their planes. The pilots will be routed from this facility to different areas of the Bahamas.

Your help is needed. Donations can be made directly to Bahamas Habitat at You can also buy Home Depot e-Gift Cards (Recipient e-mail: By receiving online donations, Bahamas Habitat and BMH can efficiently purchase and ship needed materials to families, as well as purchase fuel for the airplanes delivering the supplies. For more information about SIFAT, please visit

(photo right: Abe McIntyre of Bahamas Methodist Habitat, Addison Shock of SIFAT and Cameron King of Bahamas Habitat fly in the first plane of supplies to Eleuthera).

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Worship on the Water 2011 details

It’s almost Memorial Day weekend, which means Worship on the Water (WOW) is about to begin!
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We missed posting for a couple of weeks, but don’t think we haven’t been busy at SIFAT! Highlights: CARES, retreats, speaking at churches and a short-term mission leader training with UMC Global Missions and preparing for this week’s field study. It never seems to slow down.

Here’s what’s going on this week at SIFAT:

All week: Field Training in World Hunger and malnutrition: Practical Skills to Make a Difference. Click here to learn more.

Wednesday, May 18: UAB–PAHO International Collaborating School of Nursing will visit to learn about SIFAT and participate in some of the Field Study activities.

Friday, May 20: Sunday, May 22: A work team from Chapelwood UMC in Athens, Ga., is coming to lend a hand and work on some projects around campus!
Saturday, May 21: Our Learn & Serve summer staff arrive.
Sunday, May 22: Ivan Roman and Peggy Walker meet with the Trinity UMC (Birmingham) short-term mission team to Ecuador. Ivan and Peggy will share about the project and do some cross cultural training.

Sunday, May 22: Sarah Corson will be speaking at Rockstand Church

Sunday, May 22: The Learn & Serve staff begin training for this summer’s camp.

What is This Week? Click here to find out more.
Sunday, April 17 – Associate minister Rob Haynes and some others from Fairhope UMC are here for a few days visiting and learning more about our programs and ways they can continue their involvement with SIFAT.
Monday, April 18 – A group from the Wesley Foundation at Auburn University is coming for appropriate technology training for their upcoming trip to Zambia with SIFAT.
Tuesday, April 19 – CARES with 5th graders from CE Hanna (day 1 – the group is so large, we had to have two days!)
Wednesday, April 20 – CARES with 5th graders from CE Hanna (day 2)
Thursday, April 21 – Christ UMC mission team returns from Ecuador!
Thursday, April 21 – Saturday, April 23 – Morehouse College will be here for appropriate technology training.
Friday, April 22 – Saturday, April 23 – Learn & Serve Retreat with Willowbrook Baptist Church